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Konzert für 12 Traktoren



Concert in Polling (Bavaria)
Photo: W. Petzi


Kunstfest Weimar
Newspaper "Thüringer Landesanzeiger" 24.8.2015



Performance: "Ensems" Festival for contemporary music in Valencia
Newspaper report: El Pais 15.5.2014


Performance with the "Söller PS-Giganten" 
Opening "Klangspuren" (festival) Schwaz 2013 


Concert at "Palace Party" 5. 3. 2011 opening Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Kopenhagen (DK) collaboration with Danmarks Traktormuseum, Eskilstrup, Falster


Concert with 12 Zetor Traktors in Orust (Sweden)


Performance: "Kontraste" 2004 (Stein an der Donau) Krems, Austria


Brösarp (south Sweden)



Newspaper: Märkische Allgemeine


Hermannshof Völksen (Springe / Niedersachsen)


Concert: manor house Langen, Fehrbellin (in the barn)



"Freiluftmusik"  Block's Skulpturmark 
invited by Ursula and René Block (Askeby, Mön, Danmark) 


10. Illinger Burgfest für neue Musik, Konzert, 20.7.1997 Saarland (festival for contemporary music)


Performance on 7th of september1996