books / magazines / booklets

(catalogue) Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf
publ. Schirmer & Mosel 2016


by Jennie Gottschalk (paperback)
Bloomsbury Academic / New York / London 2016


The legendary Frankfurt theater lab
Sabine Bayer, Karlheinz Braun, Ulrike Schiedermair
publ. Henschel Verlag 2016

(catalogue) Hegenbarth collection, Berlin 2015 


10 years by Grisli / retrospective 2004 - 2014 (paperback) 
publ. G. Belhomme

Rüdiger Carl in conversation with Oliver Augst, published by Astrid Ihle, Bastian Zimmermann, book with CD, publisher: weissbooks Verlag 2014


OEI / POSTKONST # 65 2014 (magazine, Sweden)
text-and picture contribution by SÅJ and a conversation with Pär Thörn

by Wolfgang Müller 
publisher: Fundus Band 203 / Verlag Philo Fine Arts 2013


(reader) festival for experimental poetry and music, Berlin 2013
publ. Tobias Herold & Pär Thörn


B Side, Chicago reader music, 11/8/2012 


(reader) CTM 12 festival for adventurous music and art / zodiac revisted, Berlin 2012 


magazine for contemporary musik (Sweden)
Issue 3 / 2011/12


self-definig a scene 
editors Burkhard Beins, Christian Kesten, Gisela Nauck, Andrea Neumann  
book 416 pages, de/en Wolke Verlag 2011


magazine for contemporary music 
with a catalog of works by Sven-Åke Johansson
Issue 129 / Mai 2011



Andrea Stappert
photographies 1983 - 2011
Kerber publishes 2011


Remembering Jörg Schlick (1951-2005)
publ. by Petra and Ralf Schilcher, Artelier Collection GmbH Graz 2011

Ny Musikk / Grönland, Kammermusik Festival No.2 Oslo 2010
with texts by Öyvind Torvund, T. Millroth, SÅJ a.o. 

by Günter Brus 
Jung und Jung publishes 2010


was draussen wartet / what is waiting out there 
6. Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art 
catalogue ed. by Kathrin Romberg, Dumont Verlag 2010


by Thomas Kapielski
(paperback) 2009 Edition Suhrkamp 2597

(Issue) Heft 79, 2009 (magazine for contemporary music) text by Felix Klopothek


by Susanne Kippenberger, Berlin Verlag 2007


publ. H. Ruprecht, R. Wyss, P. Kraut, with text by Theweleit, Kapielski, Jelinek, Tawada, Bichsel, Bruhin, a.o. notations by SÅJ, Schlippenbach, Brötzmann, Carl, Monahan, Marclay, Möslang, Nicolai a.o.
Edition Urs Engeler 2006 

13.11.1980: Archie Shepp/Jasata - 20.12.2006: Pan Sonic/Alter Ego / a collection of 580 concerts of Taktlos und Tonart Bern, edited by P. Kraut, R. Wyss
Edition Taktlos Bern 2006


Wuppertal in der Welt des Jazz
publ. Jazz AGe Wuppertal / E. D. Fränzel 
2006 Klartext Verlag, Essen

Das Werk von Alfred Grenander 
publ. by Aris Fioretos, Nicolai Verlag Berlin 2006
watch: compositions

Avantgarde und Alltag 
by Diedrich Diedrichsen, KIWI (paperback) 2005

Records and Covers by Artists 
(catalogue) 268 pages, collection, Guy Schraenen
Neues Museum Weserburg Bremen 2005


Europe's Reinvention of Jazz
by Mike Heffley
Yale Unsiversitity Press Haven and London 2005
(book 365 pages) 

60th birthday (catalogue) Verlag Buchhandlung Walter König, Köln 2003


Wir waren immer laut genug text by Alexander Wolf
(artist magazine) Berlin/Vienna 2003


in Musik, Kunst und Film (catalogue)
publ. by Christoph Metzger, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Pfau Verlag 2003


Free Jazz, Improvisation und Niemandsmusik by Felix Klopotek,
222 pages, Ventil Verlag 2002


Wandel der musikalischen Wirklichkeit text by Christoph Metzger
Schott Verlag 2002

Nr. 2, 2001 (magazine for contemporary music) Sweden
text by Thomas Millroth


Neue Musikzeitung Nr. 4 / 2001, (magazine for contemporary music) text by Michael Glasmeier

Die Kachel text by Sven-Åke Johansson (program booklet) 
Donaueschinger Musiktage, 2001 

Kulturbüro 2000 Ystad Kunstmuseum (Box)