Das Musikgeschäft
Chamber opera in three acts by Sven-Åke Johansson
Das Musikgeschäft (the music business), with three singers, eight musicians and dancers (all of whom are also actors) is about "good" and "bad" playing "under one roof" (shared conditions), set in a musical instrument store (stage), seen from several viewpoints, in three acts. The unavoidable trying out of muical instruments of every kind, the purchasing of musical notations, of reeds, strings, etc., performed as played by musicians and singers of differing genre and qualification. The collision of the situation in the store, the performers being separated intentionally, and being intentionally assembled in common action.
The opera is also about ways of holding and handling the instruments. (Projected length with two intermissions for rebuilding scenery: 2 hours)
Szene 1
Opening of the store,
the first customer asks about an instrument hissingly, gets trumpets, tries them as a beginner...
A second buys music notations,
a third in a duett with the salesperson...
first-class trumpet player comes in, wants a super instrument and slams virtuosic scales...
A person interested in piano playing arrives, is directed to the rehearsal room,
plays in the background...
Both trumpeters play, both the "virtuoso" and the "beginner," without taking notice of one another,
later together.
They pack their things, leave the store...
Notations are compared,
song duett with the salesperson and the "notation customers"...