Trilogie für Windgeneratoren
1. Striche leicht nach oben
2. Striche in Knicken
3. Krawattenfliege
4. Sinuskurve kleiner werdend
5. Parallele Spiegelkurve
6. Gerader und zackiger Strich
7. Getrennte Ebenen - Hohlraum
8. Zwei Kurven der Sechs
9. Seewetter 69
Trilogie für Windgeneratoren is a composition for wind and the beating of wind turbine propeller blades. Three huge wind turbines produce a sound that changes over time. The sound is recorded and transmitted via radio. 3000 meters away from the turbines, one can hear the noise of the blades' rotation and the beating of the air, creating a kind of perception that wouldn't normally be possible naturally. Depending on wind speed, differing sounds occur over the course of several days – music emerges.
Recorded at the Festival "Was hören wir" in Kaditsch 1999
Reworked as radio play by Sven-Åke Johansson for Deutschlandradio Berlin
Seewetter 69
plays with the daily nautical weather report from 1969.
cover mutable
2006 SÅJ-CD 10