Zyklus 1
out of time
Bertrand Denzler - tenor saxophone
Joel Grip - double bass
Sven-Åke Johansson - drums
recorded by A. Levine at Isotop, Berlin
on November 3 and 4 2017
liner notes by by Seymor Wright
poster with drawing by SÅJ
double CD
produced by Umlaut Records and SÅJ Records 2019
UMCD 28 29 - SÅJCD 47 48
“Zyklus 1” is the third album derived from the concentrated and productive work of the trio Denzler Grip Johansson (also known as Neuköllner Modelle), exploring new ways of interplay within a classic jazztrio setting. Through clear ideas about positioning and timing, and with the ample sound of gut strings, reeds, and skins, the trio members play and convey an extensive and expanding form.
“The trio music on this record has a lot to do with jazz, and so seems to smell a lot like jazz with blues and ‘art’ connotation - its tools and makers reek of it.” (excerpt).